Anette Wu (Fortgang), MD, MPH, PhD
- Associate Professor of Medical Sciences (in Medicine) and Pathology & Cell Biology at CUMC

Anette Wu, MD MPH PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Pathology and Cell Biology at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons at Columbia University and is a member of the teaching faculty in the Clinical Gross Anatomy course She teaches anatomy to medical and dental students.
Dr. Wu was trained in Transplantation and General Surgery in Hannover, Germany and at the Massachussetts General Hospital/Harvard University in Boston, MA. USA. She obtained her postdoctoral training in Transplantation Immunology at the Massachussetts General Hospital/Harvard University in Boston, MA, USA. She holds an additional degree in Public Health from the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University.
Her current research interest is in educational research in internationalization of medical education. She is the director of the "International Collaboration and Exchange Program" at the Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, a program that is anchored in the Anatomy course (in the Pathology Department) and serves to prepare future global healthcare leaders via early international student networking and basic sciences research internships abroad.
Academic Appointments
- Associate Professor of Medical Sciences (in Medicine) and Pathology & Cell Biology at CUMC
Administrative Titles
- Director, International Collaboration and Exchange Program
- French
- German
- Taiwanese
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- MD, PhD, 1996 Medicine, Transplantation , Hannover Medical School (Germany)
- MPH, 2008 Public Health, Columbia University
- Internship: 2002 Harvard/Massachusetts General Hosp
- Residency: Harvard/Massachusetts General Hosp
- Fellowship: 2002 Harvard/Massachusetts General Hosp
Committees, Societies, Councils
- American Association for Anatomy (Vice Chair and incoming Chair, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee)
- Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)
- American Association of Anatomists (AAA)
- American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA)
- American Society of Transplantation (AST)
- The Transplantation Society (TTS)
- International Xenotransplantation Association (IXA), elected member
Columbia University Committees:
- Columbia Alumni Association, Past Board Member and Committee Chair
- Alumni Association Mailman School of Public Health, member of the Board of Directors, Past President and past Vice President
- The Programs In Global Health
Honors & Awards
- 2023 Columbia Alumni Medalist
- American Association of Anatomy Award
- Virginia Apgar Academy of Medical Educators Grant
- Clinical and Translational Science Award Grant (Irving Institute Pilot Study Award)
- Best abstracts, International Xenotransplantation Association, Nagoya , Japan
- Young Investigator Award, The Transplantation Society, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Fellow of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
- Fellow of the Biomedical Science Exchange Program and German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Selected Publications
- Anette Wu, Geoffroy P.J.C. Noel, Richard Wingate. Editorial: Teaching and learning in a global cultural context. Frontiers, Volume 8 - 2023 |
- A Wu. Reshaping internationalization of medical education in 2023. Editorial. BMC Medical Education May 2023;
- R Utomo, S McWatt, QY Xiao, A. Talis, K Saraci, M Gill Sagoo, R Wingate, C Brassett, CL Chien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, T Sakurai, M Zeroual, J Olsen, S El-Batti, S Viranta-Kovanen, Y Yamada, S Kitahara, K Keay, W Stewart, A Kellett, Y Mao, A Lang, C Kunzel, P Bernd, H Kielstein, G Noel and A Wu. Health profession students’ outlooks on the medical profession during the COVID-19 pandemic: a global perspective. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, May 2023
- A Wu, S McWatt, R Utomo, QY Xiao, A Talis, K Saraci, M Gill Sagoo, R Wingate, C Brassett, CLChien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, A Sigmund, T Sakurai, M Zeroual, J Olsen, S El-Batti, S Viranta-Kovanen, Y Yamada, K Keay, S Kitahara, A Kellett, Y Mao, A Lang, C Kunzel, P Bernd, H Kielstein, G. P.J.C. Noël. A thematic analysis of students’ discussions on death and body donation in international online focus groups". Anatomical Sciences Education Anat Sci Educ. 2023 Mar 7. doi:
- A Wu. Opportunities for internationalisation of medical education. University World News. Nov 2022
- A Wu. Internationalization of Medical Education—Concepts and Approaches for Action. International Higher Education. October 2022 Autumn Issue No. 112 (2022):. (Also translated in Vietnamese, Portugiese 2023)
- A Wu, QY Xiao, S McWatt, R Utomo, K Saraci, A. Talis, M Gill Sagoo, R Wingate, C Brassett, CL Chien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, T Sakurai, M Zeroual, J Olsen, S El-Batti, S Viranta-Kovanen, Y Yamada, S Kitahara, K Keay, W. Stewart, A Kellett, Y Mao, A Lang, C Kunzel, P Bernd, H Kielstein, G Noel. The Anatomy Course During COVID-19: The Impact of Cadaver-Based Learning on the Initiation of Reflection on Death. Med Sci Educ. 2022 Sep 8 : 1–12.
- A Wu, E Choi, M Diderich, A Shamim, Z Rahhal, M Mitchell, B Leask, H DeWit. Internationalization of Medical Education – Motivations and Formats of Current Practices. Medical Science Educator, 2022
- A Wu, A Shamim, Z Rahhal, M Kieff, E Lalla, L Torre, L Zubiaure Bitzer, C Kunzel. A Scoping Review of Internationalization of Dental Education – Identifying Formats and Motivations in Dental Education. Front. Dent. Med doi: 10.3389/fdmed.2022.847417
- A Wu, B Leask, GPJC Noel, H DeWit. It is Time for the Internationalization of Medical Education to be at Home and Accessible for All. Academic Medicine: September 2021 - Volume 96 - Issue 9 - p e22 doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000004201-
- A Wu, V Maddula, J Singh, CL Chien, H Kielstein, H Traxler, C Brassett, R Wingate, M Gill Sagoo, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, M Zeroual, T Sakurai, J Olsen, S El-Batti, S Viranta-Kovanen, S Kitahara, K Keay, C Kunzel, P Bernd, and GPJ. Noël. Alternatives to Student Outbound Mobility - Improving Students’ Cultural Competency Skills Online to Improve Global Health without Travel. Med.Sci.Educ. 2021
- A Wu, CX Yu, C Soledad Chang, R Goel, M Gill Sagoo, T Sakurai, S Viranta-Kovanen, CL Chien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, S Kitahara, K Keay, J Olsen, P Bernd, R Wingate, T Sakurai, H Kielstein, S Viranata-Kovanen, C Brassett, S El Batti, M Zeroual, A Sigmund, P Bernd, C Kunzel, R Wingate, H Kielstein, G Noel. Initiating Students’ Reflections on Life’s Passing in the Anatomy Course – An International Observation at 14 Universities. Annals of Anatomy 2021
- A Wu,V Maddula, R Goel, H Shimizu, CL Chien,H Kielstein, H Traxler,T Sakurai, R Wingate,S Viranta-Kovanen,Jens Waschke, F Vielmuth, M Gill Sagoo, S Kitahara, J Olsen, C Brassett, S El-Batti, M Zeroual, K Keay, C Kunzel, P Bernd, and GPJC Noël. An observation of health professions students’ perceptions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Medical Science Educator 2021
- A Wu, V Maddula, M Kieff, C Kunzel. An online program to improve international collaboration, intercultural skills, and research knowledge.J Dent Educ. 2020;1-4
- A Wu, B Leask, E Choi, L Unangst, H de Witt. Internationalization of Medical Education – a scoping review of the current status in the United States. Medical Science Educator 2020. 1-13.
- A Wu, GPJC Noel, B Leask, L Unangst, E Choi, H DeWit. Internationalization of Medical Education Needed More Than Ever. Commentary to the Editor (invited, in print). International Higher Education. Accepted for Issue 104, Fall 2020
- A Wu, GPJC Noel. How to internationalize medical education based on concepts used in internationalization of higher education. MedEdPublish 2020;
- K Rudolph, C Galvez, J Chang, A Wu, C Goelkel, SH Suendermann, H Kielstein. Body donation as a grateful gift for a long and active life with a Bjork-Shiley valve. Journal of Cardiac Surgery. DOI: 10.1111/jocs.14922
- A Wu, GPJC Noel, B Leask, L Unangst, E Choi, H DeWit. Internationalisation of medical education is now vital. Commentary. University World News.; June 2020
- A Wu, G Noel, R Wingate, H Kielstein, T Sakurai, S Viranta-Kovanen, CL Chien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, M Gill, S Kitahara, K Keay, J Olson, P Bernd. An International Partnership of 12 Anatomy Departments - Improving Global Health through Internationalization of Medical Education. Annals of Global Health. 2020; 86(1): 27, 1-14. DOI:
- A Wu, G Noel, R Wingate, H Kielstein, T Sakurai, S Viranta-Kovanen, CL Chien, H Traxler, J Waschke, F Vielmuth, M Gill, S Kitahara, K Keay, P Bernd. Internationalization of Medical Education and the Anatomy Course - Outcomes of an International Partnership of 11 Anatomy Departments in 4 Continents. FASEB J
- A Wu, H Kielstein , T Sakurai, G Noel, S Viranta-Kovanen, TK Li, L Kuikka, K Roth ,P Bernd. Internationalization of Medical Education: Collaborations Initiated through the American Association of Anatomists (AAA) and the Anatomical Society (AS) Meetings Lead to Successful International Educational Partnerships, FASEB J April 2018
- A Wu, C. Goelkel, T Sakurai, H Kielstein, P Bernd. Internationalisation of medical education: forstering early student collaborations during the anatomy courses between medical students in the USA, Germany and Japan. J Anatomy 2017; 232, 319 (S40). Anatomical Society Summer meeting In Galway. Anatomists on the Edge.
- A Wu, C Goelkel, C Chiuzan, J Duong, H Kielstein, P Bernd: Internationalization of medical education - a pilot study using a shared digital dissector and early peer-to-peer student interaction in American and German Clinical Gross Anatomy courses FASEB J April 2017 31:732.17
- A Wu*, Golkel C*, Chiuzan C, Duong J, Bernd P, Kielstein H. Early internationalization of students in a German medical school in the former German Democratic Republic (*equal contributions to 1rst author). Annals of Anatomy, 2019 Mar 28. pii: S0940-9602(19)30035-4. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2019.03.004
- A Wu, H Kielstein, T Sakurai, G Noel, S Viranta-Kovanen, CL Chien, P Bernd. Internationalization of Medical Education - Building a Program to Prepare Future Leaders in Healthcare. Medical Science Educator, 2019, Febr 11:;
- S Chaudhry, Y Kato, J Weiner, P Alonso-Guallart, S Baker, DC Woodland III, JH Lefkowitch, R Duran-Struuck, HP. Sondermeijer, J Zitsman, M Sears, A Wu, B Karolewski, PJ Houck, M Martinez, T Kato, M Sykes, A D Griesemer. Transient mixed chimerism with nonmyeloablative conditioning does not induce liver allograft tolerance in nonhuman primates. Transplantation; manuscript accepted
- A Wu, H Kielstein , T Sakurai, G Noel, S Viranta-Kovanen, TK Li, L Kuikka, K Roth ,P Bernd. Internationalization of Medical Education: Collaborations Initiated through the American Association of Anatomists (AAA) and the Anatomical Society (AS) Meetings Lead to Successful International Educational Partnerships, FASEB J April 2018
- A Wu, C Goelkel, C Chiuzan, J Duong, H Kielstein, P Bernd: Internationalization of medical education - a pilot study using a shared digital dissector and early peer-to-peer student interaction in American and German Clinical Gross Anatomy courses FASEB J April 2017 31:732.17
- Y Kato; AD Griesemer; A Wu; H Sondermeijer; JI Weiner; R Duran-Struuck; M Martinez; A Slate; A Romanov; JH Lefkowitch; M Sykes; T Kato: Novel H-shunt Veno-venous Bypass for Liver Transplantation in Cynomolgus Monkeys Comp Med. 2017 Oct 1;67(5):436-441
- R Duran-Struuck, HP Sondermeijer, L Buehler, P Alonso-Guallart, J Zitsman, Y Kato, A Wu, A McMurchy, D. Woodland, A Griesemer, M Martinez, S Boskovic, T Kawai, AB Cosimi, C-C. Wuu, A Slate, M Mapara, R. tokarz, V d'Agati, S Hammer, M Pereira, WI Lipkin, T Wekerle, M Levings, M Sykes: Studies of ex vivo-expanded recipient regulatory T cells for the enhancement of hematopoietic chimerism and kidney allograft tolerance across MHC barriers in cynomolgus macaques. Transplantation 2017 Feb. 101(2):274-83
- D Mathes; G Gazelle; P Butler; A Wu; A Nazzal; G Nielsen; C Huang; D Sachs; AWP Lee; M Randolph. Stable Mixed Hematopoietic Chimerism Permits Tolerance of Vascularized Composite Allografts Across a Full MHC Mismatch in Swine. Transpl Int. 2014 Oct;27(10):1086-96. doi: 10.1111/tri.12380. Epub 2014 Aug 28.
- PJ Fagenholz, JA Gutman, AF Murray, VE Noble, A Wu, G Ziemer, NS Harris. Arterial thrombosis at high altitude resulting in loss of limb. High Alt Med Biol 2007. 8(4): 340-7
- A Wu, K Yamada, C Baron, DW Mathes, LM Monajati, PA Vagefi, DH Sachs: Detection of regulatory cells as an assay for allograft tolerance in miniature swine. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2004 Feb; 23(2):210-7
- M Sykes, V Garrigue, RP Johnson, B Nikolic, J I Rodriguez-Barbosa, M Rosenzweig, DH Sachs, A Wu, K Yamada, Y Zhao. Xenogeneic Thymic Replacement to Achieve Immune Restoration in HIV Infection. Clinical and Applied Immunology Reviews (CAIR) 2003, 3(4):167-171. Special issue
- A Wu, K Yamada, FL Ierino, PA Vagefi, DH Sachs: Regulatory mechanism of peripheral tolerance: specific suppression of anti-donor lymphocyte proliferative responses during the maintenance phase of tolerance to class I antigen in miniature swine. Transpl Immunol. 2003 Jul-Sep;11(3-4):367-74
- A Wu, K Yamada, DM Neville, M Awwad, JC Wain, A Shimizu, S Gojo, H Kitamura, RB Colvin, DKC Cooper, M Sykes, DH Sachs: Xenogeneic thymus transplantation in a pig-to-baboon model. Transplantation 2003; 75(3):282-291 with Editorial Comments
- JL Bourget, DW Mathes, GP Nielsen, M Randolph, Y Tanabe, A Wu, S Arn, DH Sachs, WPA Lee: Tolerance to vascularized musculoskeletal allografts in miniature swine. Transplantation 2001,71:851-56
- GW Haller, N Esnaola, K Yamada, A Wu, A Shimizu, A Hansen, VR Ferrara, KS Allison, RB Colvin, M Sykes, DH Sachs: Thymic transplantation across an MHC class I barrier in swine. J Immunol 1999,163:3785-92
- M Caselitz, S Wagner, A Chavan, M Gebel, JS Bleck, A Wu, HJ Schlitt, M Galanski, MP Manns: Clinical Outcome of transfemoral embolisation in patients with arterivenous malformations of the liver in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (Weber-Rendu-Osler disease). Gut 1998 Jan; 42(1):123-126
- A Wu, B Nashan, U Messner, HHJ Schmidt, HH Guenter, S Niesert and R Pichlmayr: Outcome of 22 successful pregnancies after liver transplantation. Clin Transplant 1998; 12(5):454-464
- A Wu, DA Lewis, SR Michener, HD Tazelaar, JP Grande, CGA McGregor and VM Miller: Modulation of renal Endothelin receptors of rejecting lung allografts. Endothelium 1995; 3:331-342
Review Articles
- A Wu, L Buehler, DKC Cooper: Experience with ABO incompatible organ and bone marrow transplantation: review of the literature - current status. Transpl Int. 2003 May;16(5):291-9. Epub 2003 Apr 29.
Global Health Activities
- Science Diplomacy and Internationalization in Healthcare
- Internationalization of Medical Education and Global Health
- International Student Exchanges
- Anatomists and Global Health